Arizona: Immigration Enforcement Reality Check

Since the mid sixties the United States has had its own share of government officials and other criminals who have successfully rubbed our noses in diversity. There’s no reason to suspect it has all been something akin to happen stance, or some kind of nebulous cultural shift. Based on a little research and multiple news reports I can only conclude Washington DC has not merely “failed” to control immigration effectively. I say their plot is to deliberately with malice aforethought maintain mass migration from the Third World in order to behead European American identity its culture and people; to replace white America with something else for the sake of political expediency.

Higher taxes to supplement a burgeoning Third World welfare class, the funding of all kinds of non-white pressure groups, mostly Mexican, civil rights tribunals, protected status based on race, political correctness buttressed by harsh legal penalties–all of these and more have been rammed down the throats of European Americans with impunity.

Indeed the drastic social political and demographic upheavals we’ve seen over the course of so many years has been executed on purpose and the proof is everywhere–such as the recent mass demonstrations taking place this weekend by tens of millions of illegal (AND legal) mestizos, 1 May 2010.

Therefore we can only wish Arizona’s tepid little immigration law was explicitly written to target ALL Mexicans and others like them in terms of race. Why? Well who else has been video taped jumping the fence and swimming the Rio Grande from Mexico into the US? Who else is smuggling drugs and humans across the Mexican border? Who else is draining the welfare sysytem, the legal system, the healthcare system and so forth in greater numbers on a percentage basis than anyone else? And if legal swarthy looking immigrants happen to be stopped, who cares? No harm no foul. Fix your own damn country of origin, whose flag is affixed on your car or living room wall, whose language you speak fluently or not at all, if you don’t like being profiled.

While the AZ law gently insists the police are not to target anyone just because they are brown-skinned, that they can only be stopped if they are suspected of another crime or infraction the fact remains that it ought to be explicitly racial — simply because thats who’s here illegally in greater numbers than legal ones. Its not rocket science.

If Ireland was located where Mexico is located, who should the police be looking for? If Norway was located where Mexico is located, who the hell do you think the police ought to be looking for? In fact, who are authorities looking for in the so-called war on terror, Norwegians or Irishmen? No, they’re looking for swarthy, black-eyed Middle Eastern Semites who hate our guts and want to kill us. Of course, Johnny Law won’t come right out and say so because he’s scared to death of being targeted as “racist” by a number of groups his own taxes support: anti-white / non-white Semitic pressure groups who hold court in Washington DC, just like the Mexicans.

As far as liberals and open border bedwetters are concerned: they want all Third World parasites to break the laws of Arizona and the United States because that’s what drives them in their ideological quest to ultimately overwhelm and marginalize European Americans, the descendants of the founding race of this nation. Simple as that. They’ve said as much in countless hate-filled screeds and presentations.

Thankfully however, the stipulation that police are not supposed to racially profile anyone is a moot point. The cops aren’t stupid. They know who the target demographic “just happens” to be. Trust me, they won’t be looking for Europeans, (or Orientals and Africans) of any stripe. It is therefore my hope the police and other immigration enforcement agents who are on the ground will cover their tracks sufficiently as they explictly, deliberately and purposely target Mexicans and other swarthy skinned invaders from the southern hemisphere. That’s what makes sense and that’s what works.

Screw the liberals.

Published in: on May 2, 2010 at 7:17 pm  Comments (2)  

Media Matters And The Neocons

They shouldn’t fool anyone, but they do.

George Soros funded / hyper leftist / Marx pandering TV “watch dog group” Media Matters has its collective panties in a knot because Fox News big shot Rupert Murdoch has publicly agreed with fellow neocon Glen Beck that President Obama is a racist. “He was right,” said Murdoch.
In July 2008, Glenn Beck notoriously declared that he believes President Obama is “a racist” with a “deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture.” For a dyed in the wool neocon who regularly condemns even the remotest form of American white nationalism this is big news. Of course, Beck’s comments played a key part in at least 80 bedwetting advertisers dropping their support of his television program. Various media outlets and talking heads admonished his comments, but Fox News let Beck slide. Why? Because Rupert Murdoch, chairman of News Corp., the parent company of Fox News, says he agrees that President Obama is a racist. Moreover Murdoch went on to say: “And, you know, that was something which perhaps shouldn’t have been said about the president, but if you actually assess what he was talking about, he [Beck] was right.” Media Matters says this is a new low even for Fox, and it is a low they cannot let slide.

NOTE; American White Nationalists have been warning their fellow Americans about Obama’s race hate for years prior to his White House bid. Thanks Rupert.

Therefore George Soros funded / hyper leftist / Marx pandering TV “watch dog group” Media Matters now wants to hold Rupert the Neocon responsible and command that he apologize for his own “intolerable” remarks. They have even gone so far as to reserve some of their unlimited bandwidth in order to deliver signatures to News Corp and demand Murdoch apologize via\action\murdochapology.

Never mind the fact non-white groups have been making off with billions of dollars of taxpayer operating money, specifically in order to maintain their ethnic platforms. Not a peep about it.

The way Media Matters sees it “this type of race-baiting is par for the course for Fox News.” They even cite Fox News president Roger Ailes who has imitated the far left by spending “the better part of his career working as a Republican media consultant, during which time he became known for appealing to racial fears and biases for political gain. Under Ailes’ leadership Fox News routinely employs these same tactics in its ongoing campaign to destroy the Obama administration and the progressive agenda.”  (They actually mean their Frankfurt School / Critical Theory agenda.)

But let’s keep it real here. Glen Becks’ remarks about Obama are an anomaly, and he would just as soon allow himself to be ripped to shreds taking on “white racists” like Jared Taylor or Professor Kevin McDonald. As a neoconservative Beck is part a cabal whose core group consists of neoconservative defense intellectuals, corporate open border advocates, and “pro forma” non-white supporters. In other words they are rightly called “neoconservatives” because many of them started off as anti-Stalinist leftists or liberals before moving to what passes for the “far right.”  Media Matters on the other hand attempts to explain why neoconservative media is biased and declares that, in fact, all communication is biased. They often trot out examples of neoconservative/right wing media bias, race hate, bigotry, etc, and generously explain how we can judge that bias. Never mind the fact they too are made up of defense intellectuals, corporate open border advocates, and “pro forma” non-white supporters. While Media Matters might snow job a number of news consumers the fact remains they are attacking empty suit right wing bias with Critical Theory bias, only whinier than most.

As American White Nationalists we’ll go ahead and continue to utilize, albeit carefully, a few ratings gaffs from the likes of Glen Beck and Rupert Murdoch in order to underscore our justifiable cause. And to hell with Media Matters.

Published in: on November 13, 2009 at 3:43 am  Leave a Comment  


We at EAU advocate economic nationalism, which places the economy at the service of the nation; we believe that the welfare of our people should supersede all other things, including the ability of multinational corporations and the government to exploit or ignore our people for unbridled profits and uninformed votes. But we clearly have a long way to go. I’m about as sick of being politically ethnically and morally ripped off as you are. While many of us cannot claim to be an economist or a soldier of fortune with the ability to fix the problem, “another tune” needs to be sung as soon as possible.

So don’t ever expect politicians and other know-it-alls to admit that everything is interconnected in the world of prices.

Two Russian economists, Nikolai Shmelev and Vladimir Popov, agree that “the smallest change in one element is passed along the chain to millions of others.” In other words when there is a large increase in the demand for ice cream it can raise the price of baseball mitts. Honest…

When everything is related via systems and sub-systems however distant, arbitrary government policy that sets a finicky goal has unintended consequences that, in turn, have other unintended consequences. When the federal government tried to make home ownership more “affordable” to minorities in the 1990s by coercing the very banking houses they are now bailing out to do so, that wonderful idea ripped through the economy like the flu and gave birth to the current unemployment / Titanic scenario.

Essentially, Congress directed federal regulatory agencies to lean on banks to lend money to people the banks felt could not repay the loans including properly profiled Mexicans and poor blacks. When everything started going to hell, true to form politicians pointed the finger of blame to the banks(!) in order to sidetrack our attention from their own terrible regulations.

Republicans and Democrats bear the guilt and ought to pay in a slow painful manner.

Fear of government is more effective than government itself.

Fear of government is more effective than government itself.

Only in the make believe world of Washington DC will worse regulation fix bad regulation. To say it would be a good idea to reject the poorly revised “affordable” housing Community Reinvestment Act is an understatement.

What’s more, if one looks at the spike in food prices created directly by the push to add ethanol in fuel, or if we look at the unsustainability of Medicare spending, along with the kind of government waste that would put 99.99% of the population in prison, the record of government meddling in the economy has been so unmanageable voters should realize that more regulation furthering centralized control of health care will cost us not only wealth and quality of care, but also the very freedoms our European ancestors fought and died to protect.

However commendable goals might appear to be in the mainstream media, they are not worth the institutional failure history has repeatedly taught us to expect. Like I said, when everything is related via systems and sub-systems, however distant, arbitrary government policy that sets a finicky goal will have unintended consequences that, in turn, have other unintended consequences. In this case we can ultimately & justifiably cite the abject erosion of European Americans’ political social and economic standing in the nation of their fore fathers. Facts are facts. No one voted for this insanity (except for a handful of well organized fetish leaning Bolsheviks).

On the other hand, even now in the eleventh hour we can still turn things around. But in all likelihood it’s liable to be one messy proposition. Get hot.

John McCain in a “Nutshell”

The other day, when I saw former presidential candidate Senator John McCain bloviating about his desire to work on “comprehensive immigration reform” (you know, amnesty) with President elect Barack Hussein Obama, I pulled up the following quote he made during his run for the White House:

“We are a nation of many races…(and) many points of origin. But our one shared faith is the belief that a nation conceived in an idea will prove stronger, more enduring, and better than any nation…made from a common race or culture.”-Senator John McCain

What a guy. We have to wonder if this very thought had ever passed through the mind of Senator McCain –when and if– he ever walked the streets of Tokyo Japan (or even Saigon) with its nearly one hundred percent homogeneous population?

"Racism" at its finest, right Senator?

"Racism" at its finest, right Senator?

Concerning the nations in Africa we would bet he had to suppress this thought, however.

Post apartheid paradise


The Fish and Wildlife Service tells us that before a plant or animal group can receive protection under the Endangered Species Act, concerned persons must bring it to the attention of the proper authorities who then verify these concerns before putting it on the Federal list of endangered wildlife and plants. An “endangered” species is one which is threatened by extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its home. In other words, the life form in question is at risk of becoming extinct because it is either not reproducing or is threatened by changing environmental factors — or it’s being killed off by predators.

Only a few of the many species in the animal kingdom which are at risk of extinction obtain legal protection. Unfortunately, many more species become extinct, or potentially will become extinct, without gaining public notice. A few of the creatures that could very well face extinction are the Siberian Tiger, the Silverback Gorilla, the American Bison, the California Condor and the Loggerhead Sea Turtle, just to name a few. Certainly, many people have heard of these wonderful animals; and if these animals were to become extinct, at the end of the day a very small but vocal segment of the population (including myself) would decry this sad event while the rest would give two-flips-to-the-wind about it. Concerning the only other thing that might awaken the indolent sector of Americans to actually care about preserving something –(that) would be an immediate threat to their television viewing habits.

So while we cannot expect the US Fish and Wildlife Service to put persons of European descent on the list of endangered “species” let me state here and now – for the public record – that European Americans United believes that a corresponding entity such as the United Nations really should do exactly that. According to the U.S. Census Bureau sometime last year in 2007, the so-called “minority” population of the United States reached the 100 million mark. That means only two-thirds of Americans are whites of non-Hispanic background.  In four states – Hawaii, New Mexico, California and Texas – non-Hispanic whites are a distinct yet dwindling minority, complete with the cultural baggage of the interlopers overwhelming the landscape. The inexorable vector towards a less and less white United States will continue, even if U.S. borders could be hermetically sealed, because the younger the age of the demographic group, the less white they are. mccain-globalist1

Virtually half the nation’s children under the age of five are Hispanic, black or Asian. What’s more in 2006, the black American population officially reached 40 million. Because Blacks are regularly undercounted, we can assume that the real number is a lot more than 40 million. While the black population isn’t growing as fast as Hispanics – who are also undercounted — and Asians, European Americans are barely increasing their numbers at all; opting instead for abortion, birth control and childless families in order to facilitate their “careers.”

In other words the racial graffiti is on the wall. And just exactly what does that graffiti say? According to a 2008 Pew Research Center paper the population of the United States will grow to 438 million in 2050 from 296 million in 2005 if current population trends continue. Non-Hispanic whites – European Americans — will account for 47 percent (or less) of the total in 2050. By that time, one in every five “Americans” will be a foreign-born or Third World immigrant, compared to one in eight in 2005. That means 67 million Third World persons will be added to the population plus another 50 million of their children for a mind-boggling total of 117 million people. (EDITOR’S NOTE: Like Hillary Clinton and John McCain, Barak Obama must love this) Race does matter, and when the non-white majority continues to expand in scope, power, and influence our nation will descend into chaos. diversityAnd you can forget about affirmative action for our people, bank on it. All you need to do is look at places like the previously Boer White South Africa and French abandoned Haiti to understand this dangerous reality. As a matter of fact, elsewhere in the West and for the same reasons Britain is about to fall to the steady march of the Muslims and Australia will soon collapse under the weight of the Asians and Middle Easterners. You know as well as I do the vast majority of Third World immigrants will never admit there are flaws in their own culture that create the problems they are trying to move away from, which can only mean the same problems will follow them and be recreated in the countries to which they move. Like I’ve said before, our enemies in high places here in the United States have all but discarded their masks since they no longer feel compelled to hide their true intentions.  After all, when you observe the magnitude and velocity of our changing cultural and demographic trends toward a non-white America it is clear some where along the way “someone” decided the United States had reflected the people of Europe long enough — and it was time to for a change. Their malicious objective is on full display now; and as far as I am concerned their hearts are blacker than a lump of coal in a boxcar headed to Dachau.
If an awakening doesn’t come soon European Americans are permanently fated for minority status by the middle of this century if not sooner. But don’t look for that awakening or the information cited in this broadcast to come from mouths of people like Shawn Hannity, Rush Limbaugh or any particular strain of politician, clergy or university professor. They would find themselves cast into the outer darkness by their own colleagues faster than you can say ‘liars and damned liars.’ So it’s up to you. Remember…in the disciplines of biology and ecology, extinction is the ending of a way of life for a group (or race) which in turn actually reduces the precious diversity the politically correct crowd likes to squawk about. Any group (regardless of its ethnos) will become extinct when it is no longer able to survive in changing conditions or against superior competition. The moment of extinction is generally considered to be the death of the last individual of that species (although the capacity to breed and recover may have been lost long before this point). Because a species’ home range may be very large or scattered, determining this moment is difficult, and is usually done with hindsight. Now of course I am referring to European Americans in a worst case scenario — if the analogy wasn’t lost on you. But as it stands — according to the information we cited above — in 2050 if our people are unable to survive or reproduce in our own environment, and unable to move to a new environment where we can do so, we will eventually die out and become extinct if not pseudo extinct.And yet many Americans and their European cousins abroad continue to whistle past the graveyard at midnight preferring insipid distractions and mindless pursuits. They are utterly clueless about the future.

And while I cannot accurately predict what that future will bring in terms of either upheaval or enlightenment you can be sure something unpleasant could very well be in the works.

Let's hope not.

Let's hope not.

Published in: on December 17, 2008 at 11:30 pm  Leave a Comment